Aluminium Windows in Birmingham | Modern & Eco-Friendly | WMDG

Aluminium Windows

Find the best Aluminium windows for your home


If you’d like a truly contemporary look without compromising on security, aluminium windows are the answer. This ultra-slim design allows natural light to fill your home whilst simultaneously protecting against the elements & wear and tear thanks to corrosion-proof properties.

Aluminium has recently become the trendiest window material around. Increasing numbers of modern homes and renovations opting for the sleek looking designs as a staple. The glazing you choose plays a huge part in defining the look of your property so it is worth assessing all material options available before making a final decision.

A particular style of aluminium window that is becoming increasingly common is the floor to ceiling design. Seeing the windows in this fashion may make the windows seem delicate or even fragile but this couldn’t be further from the truth. You’ll struggle to find a material that’s stronger, more durable or longer lasting than aluminium which also adds benefits in terms of safety.

If you have any queries at all regarding our aluminium windows or require some advice, either give us a call or fill out the contact form on the bottom of this page!

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Explore 13 different colored Aluminum windows


Available in single or 2 color options with a different color on the inside and outside of your home.

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The benefits of WMDG Aluminium windows

Environmentally Friendly


For those who are environmentally conscious, a great benefit of aluminium windows is that they are a sustainable material that can be recycled. Not only will these windows reduce your carbon footprint from a sustainability point of view, they are also extremely thermally efficient. Keeping heat in your home will reduce energy wastage so you’ll be covered on all green fronts!

Flexible Designs


A great aspect of aluminium is that it is an extremely flexible material. That means it can be easily shaped so, no matter what idea you conjure in your mind, it’s likely that its a feasible one. Your design possibilities are practically endless with this material. It’s strength also allows for fittings of very large window panes which only adds another possibility to your home design options. It really is a superb window option!

Give your home a new perspective with new windows from West Midlands Double Glazing

Browser our extensive range of styles and materials to choose a bespoke window to complement your home and deliver the benefits you want from your new windows.


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    If you want quality products and a service you can trust, contact West Midlands Double Glazing today to get your customized quotation. Call us on 0121 532 0784 for a friendly chat or use our form to request a call back. (2)
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